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Discussion Circle

The Discussion Circle is a new event we are trying out as a community.

How It Works

This event is structured so that it is accessible to all members, regardelss of timezone or schedule.

The discussion circle lasts 3-5 days.

Every member who signs up for the event is expected to come online for 15 minutes (or so) per day to participate.

Every day, a new prompt will be shared in the event room. All event attendees will share something in response to the prompt and connect with at least one other person about what they shared.

The event takes place in a special temporary event room. The room is created just before the event with all the members who signed up, and the room and everything we shared in the room will be deleted after the event.


Who can participate in the discussion circle?

The discussion circle is only available to Active Members. Our community is 100% free, and it is easy to become a member. Learn more about becoming a member.

What happens if I can't make it online every day to participate?

Life happens, and it's okay if you can't make it online every single day to participate in an event you signed up for.

We ask that you please respect the group by only signing up for events where you are confident you'll be able to show up and connect with us for 15 minutes or so every day.

We will send out reminders if an attendee misses the first couple days.

If an attendee habitually misses multiple days across multiple events, they may be temporarily excluded from events to protect the group of attendees.

What are the prompts like?

Prompts can be things like: sharing about a recent success, a current challenge, or something that's motivating you in your regenerative journey.

Prompts can be non-regenerative related (always safe for work), like sharing about a book, TV show, movie, or artist you're currently interested in.

Sometimes we will have prompts that require all of us to read, listen to, or watch a free & short article or clip. If the event includes prompt that builds off resource, we will always post a link to the resource before the event, so that all of us have enough time to engage with resource.

What if I can only participate at odd hours of day?

As long as you can come on for about 15 mintues per day to share and connect with others in the event room, you're golden! It doesn't matter what time of day you come online.

Do I need a microphone or camera?

Nope! The event room is text-based, just like most of our other chatrooms. There may be prompts that ask us to share a picture or short video clip of our garden, farm, or other regenerative project, but we will give you a heads up before the event if that's the case.